

Search for music, film & television, e-books, video games and sports events online – legally, quickly and easily. Searching for legal content online can be difficult. Many sites that host illegal content look very similar to legal sites, so you might not be able to tell the difference between what is legal and what is not. European research and studies have shown that many EU citizens don’t know where to find legal digital content sources. For example, only half say they know where to go to download TV series legally.

Therefore, we created Ņem droši!, which allows you to find legal content sources easily and quickly, to provide a single access point to Legal Offer websites in Latvia.

The portal is hosted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia and it contains lists of websites that offer digital content (music, film & television, e-books, video games and sports events) online and can be considered legal according to the set criteria.

Ņem droši! also provides an overview of the online landscape of websites offering creative content in Latvia and other useful information, including statistics, for citizens and businesses.

The portal contains information on the digital content service providers who have received the necessary licences from the copyright and related rights holders for making available legal content online and whose sites meet the following criteria:

  1. content is accessible in Latvia for all internet users for payment or free of charge (we will not include, for example, content available only in libraries or schools);
  2. site is hosted by a company or organisation established in Latvia or other state;
  3. completed check-up under „Google Transparency Report” (we will check the number of removal requests);
  4. online secured payment available (if the payment is applicable);
  5. the content is available anytime on demand (this criteria is not applicable to live-stream).

We won’t include platforms that are based on user generated content (UGC).

Who we are?

The Patent Office is a state institution operating under the supervision of the Minister of Justice, which implements the State policy in the field of industrial property by ensuring registration of the industrial property rights, as well as by promoting comprehension regarding the necessity of the protection of intellectual property rights in the State.

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