EUIPO team showcases AGORATEKA to European Parliament Officials


EUIPO team showcases AGORATEKA to European Parliament Officials

On 10 October, an EUIPO team travelled to Brussels to introduce AGORATEKA (The European Online Content Portal) to the European Parliament. AGORATEKA increases the transparency of legal offers for digital content (music, film/TV, e-books, video games, sports events) by helping consumers to find legal content in participating European countries.

More than 40 IP specialists attended the presentations at the Parliament. This was followed by a Q&A session where some interesting suggestions and mostly positive feedback from the guests were shared.

The aim of the event was to raise awareness about the portal and to motivate more countries to join. AGORATEKA has successfully increased the number of participating countries since going online a year ago, with 3 new members having joined only this month.

In total, 13 member states have already linked to the AGORATEKA portal and 3 more countries have committed to join soon.